Episode 8 Final


Episode 8 Final

Hello Married to Medicine Darlings,

This week’s episode was truly eye opening. We now have a better understanding of why Mariah and Quad are at odds, we also get to hear right from Mariah’s mouth what she think’s about Quad, Heavenly reveals to us all her opinions about our marriages and Jackie is getting somewhat of an idea of what it is going to be like to have a baby. Like I said this episode is a real EYE OPENER.


Fact 1: Why Are Mariah and Quad at odds with one another?

We open with Mariah continuing to state that Quad is doing “shows for the people”. Hmmh I wonder if showing up late to the fashion show, with a body guard and entourage and making a huge scene with Reco Chapple also counts as “doing shows.” Quad reveals that Mariah tried to buy her off the cover of a magazine. At the fashion show Mariah denied this accusation. I don’t know what the truth is but what I do know is that one of my former employees worked for that magazine and he did tell ME that Mariah and Quad were both suppose to be on the cover of the magazine and Mariah didn’t want that and tried to persuade the editor to just make it a cover with her. I still don’t know the whole truth but if I had to guess, the real truth lies somewhere in the middle. So there you have it…Mariah and Quad are at odds because Quad feels Mariah didn’t have her back last season, Mariah told everyone she made Quad relevant, she tried to buy Quad off the cover of a magazine, and when they tried to come together and talk about it, it all ended as a big blow up and altercation at STK. Finally, the pieces are coming together. I know it’s been hard to follow for the viewers because it’s definitely been hard for me as a person in the circle of friends to understand. But now it makes more sense why Quad feels so hurt. Mariah if you just own a little piece of this, the healing could perhaps begin. Quad just wants the TRUTH. Just be honest about your statements. Here’s what I know, the truth always comes out in the end. There’s definitely more to come with Mariah and other cast members so keep watching.

Mariah is so passionate that she was a good friend to Quad. Sometimes I really want to believe her because she is so convincing but then her other personality shows up and she says exactly how she feels. “I taught Quad how to be a good wife. Quad and I are NOT cut from the same cloth. We didn’t come from the same type of home. I lowered myself a few levels to make Quad feel we are equal. We are not equal. We do not share the same moral fiber.”

In the words of Mariah Huq…..”Girl that’s deep. So that’s how you really feel.”
If that’s what it means to be loving and caring to a friend, who needs enemies. I would say thisrelationship was more like a frenemy.

A frenemy is a “friend” and “enemy” that can refer to either an enemy pretending to be a friend or someone who really is a friend but also a rival.

In my opinion real friends don’t feel they are above one another. Friends do things to help each other out without expecting anything in return and definitely without hanging it over the head of the other friend and then throwing it back in their face.

I definitely think that Simone and Jackie should offer Quad and Mariah some lessons on friendship. Maybe Jackie and Simone should write a book on “How to have authentic and genuine friendships.” I love watching their friendship. This week Simone brings Jackie a crying baby. For the first time, it looked like Jackie didn’t quite know what to do. Really Jackie, you are going to sit Jackson in a chair in your office to calm him down. What will you do when he falls right out the chair and busts his head on the floor? Wrong move! Hang in there…with a little practice, those maternal instincts will kick in.

On a side note, Mariah said “A dog who will carry a bone…will take a bone.” That phrase was a new one to me. I’ll be honest, I had to have Marveale translate the meaning of that one. “Sometimes I feel like I need a course in “Married To Medicine” language and a “Married to Medicine” dictionary. #Imjustsaying

Fact 2: What is Heavenly’s opinion of all our marriages?

Heavenly was very nice to host all the ladies for dinner. If I had a report card for the dinner, Heavenly got an A for the menu and food. It was delicious. She also got an A for the lovely atmosphere. Her home is beautiful and when we initially arrived she was a gracious host. But perhaps there was something in the wine because in the area of Manners she got an F. Like I said in my earlier blogs, you never know what’s going to come out of Heavenly’s mouth. In one sentence Heavenly insulted every lady at the table. She told Simone she didn’t know how to submit to her husband, she told Toya she spends all her husband’s money, and she told Jackie and I, we didn’t respect our husbands since we didn’t take their last names. What the hell? Since when is it appropriate to insult your dinner guests. Heavenly my friend, I have the perfect gift for you….an etiquette and manners class. Heavenly is so crazy. I almost fell out my chair when she insulted Toya about not being able to close on her mortgage. Heavenly thinks she is an expert on every damn thing. What are we going to do with Dr. Heavenly?

Fact 3: Is Jackie really ready for a baby?

Simone gave Jackie a baby this week, Little Jackson. I think this a great gift to see if Jackie is really ready for a baby. She left the baby in the car when she went to work, she rocked him in the office chair to calm him down, and she wants to take his batteries out…Not a good sign but I’m still going to put my money on “Jackie is going to be an amazing mother.” Let’s see over the next few weeks if Jackie adapts to little Jackson with more appropriate maternal instincts. What is your best motherly advice for Jackie when little Jackson cries?
Stay tuned to next week. You’ll finally understand what Mariah did to offend ME. You can say a lot with your words and I’ll ignore the nonsense but when you do something to disrespect my family and home…now we have a problem.

Until Next Week,

Love & Success…

Lisa Nicole

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